I love this video reminded me of shyane.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
I'm not sure when this article was written but im assuming it has to be outdated. Under the IDEA education law falls the LRE least restrictive environment law and you can no longer isolate children with disabilities. Under FAPE every child is entitled to Free Appropriate Public Education including those with disabilities. Even if child is in a coma or otherwise completely incapable of Barack Obama signed Rosa's Law which was put into place to end the use of the term "Mentally retarded". So I feel like this article may be a little outdated however it still does hold a really good and true message. We should learn to embrace our differences, Children with special needs face so many obstacles yet somehow always seem so happy. We have much to learn from them, and yes many are soo incredibly capable and if we don't allow them to explore their talents we may miss out on so many gifts. I love the inclusion stricter it promotes acceptance and deteriorates bullying. My 8 year old is in an inclusion class and it really has changed her perspective for the better. I will often hear her say things like "I should be grateful I am able to do this". We also have an adult in our neighborhood who faces profound mental disabilities and it is great that my children have had the opportunity to watch him be such a great part of out neighborhood community. I think that it is ignorance that causes instances of people being shunned and like other topics in diversity...(sexual orientation, culture..) If it is not talked about openly people come up with their own wrongful and often hurtful accusatins.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Attachment and Trauma workshop my social justice event
If your ultimate goal was to have us attend a workshop about injustices well this one was just that and even better this was not just a workshop this was my life. Welcome to foster care a world so often swept secretly under the rug because excuse my language but it is blatantly a fucking disgrace. I'm sorry but the injustices of foster care have literally no ending and may any of you ever come across a child in foster care please do understand that child has in one way or a another suffered. Let's just begin with the basics regardless of all circumstances entering foster care is done abruptly so one day your home the next day you with your trash bag are sitting in a strangers house with people you don't know separated from your family. Told you are not yet allowed to make phone calls because they haven't yet Been "cleared" and you will get your belongings eventually. Now that is just the basic and none of the circumstances that are often so horrifying that landed children in the "system". Now to talk about the injustices foster children are over medicated immensely they are diagnosed left and right while they grieve <please read they are also a favorite among sex traffickers because get this when a foster child goes missing there is no amber alert there is no turn to ten news... no one looks... they get a wayward stamp on their file end of story This reminded me of the silenced dialoge by Delpit. This group of people couldnt be any more silenced than they are,
When I went to the workshop I had a general idea of what I was walking into the same old foter youth are traumatized faster youth need help. I was hoping that by 2014 thought would have more solutions however I can't tell you how pissed off I left that that meeting. I actually at one point spoke out. I am so sick if hearing all the negatives associated with foster youth. Like as soon as you enter care that it your officially worthless. All anyone has to talk about is how broken they are foster care Isa joke it literally takes kids from one traumatizing situation and puts them in another. The event was mostly geared towards foster parents in an attempt to inform them the best ways to handle the behavioral problems often attached to foster children. How to handle all the trauma part of it was about the best ways to allow youth to use social media. Unfortunately many people after felt as if the event was a flop because it talked about how to deal with these issues with the "family". Many social workers left one had spoke out because she said "Many of the youth I take care of are not with their families and may never go back with their families. How do I help those kids" In which case the speaker said "This workshop may not be for you". Although in the same room as all these people I felt like I was "on the other side of the fence....alone" they were are talking about foster kids and the trouble they have with them, and the difficulties, like there wasn't any in the room, it frustrated me. I was waiting for the positive the "my youth are great at this..." nooopppeee. I'm probably pretty bias I will admit my experience in care was nothing to write home about, some of my peers have had better luck in more structured group homes. Even in them though youth have strict rules, many of them are not allowed the simple privilege og playing a sport because no staff can be there for them. They are not allowed friends over or to go to friends houses a basic right of their peers. They may not go for walks, ride bikes, or leave the yard. Every phone call is screened and timed. There is very little that is normal about it, or helpful to youth who would do anything in the world to kbow what "normal was like" This reminded me of the reading on power and privilege. how the people in power continue to take any funds allocated towards this population and how they have no idea how privileged they are to have a family. they are also a favorite among sex traffickers because get this when a foster child goes missing there is no amber alert there is no turn to ten news... no one looks... they get a wayward stamp on their file end of story This reminded me of the silenced dialoge by Delpit. This group of people couldnt be any more silenced than they are,
When I went to the workshop I had a general idea of what I was walking into the same old foter youth are traumatized faster youth need help. I was hoping that by 2014 thought would have more solutions however I can't tell you how pissed off I left that that meeting. I actually at one point spoke out. I am so sick if hearing all the negatives associated with foster youth. Like as soon as you enter care that it your officially worthless. All anyone has to talk about is how broken they are foster care Isa joke it literally takes kids from one traumatizing situation and puts them in another. The event was mostly geared towards foster parents in an attempt to inform them the best ways to handle the behavioral problems often attached to foster children. How to handle all the trauma part of it was about the best ways to allow youth to use social media. Unfortunately many people after felt as if the event was a flop because it talked about how to deal with these issues with the "family". Many social workers left one had spoke out because she said "Many of the youth I take care of are not with their families and may never go back with their families. How do I help those kids" In which case the speaker said "This workshop may not be for you". Although in the same room as all these people I felt like I was "on the other side of the fence....alone" they were are talking about foster kids and the trouble they have with them, and the difficulties, like there wasn't any in the room, it frustrated me. I was waiting for the positive the "my youth are great at this..." nooopppeee. I'm probably pretty bias I will admit my experience in care was nothing to write home about, some of my peers have had better luck in more structured group homes. Even in them though youth have strict rules, many of them are not allowed the simple privilege og playing a sport because no staff can be there for them. They are not allowed friends over or to go to friends houses a basic right of their peers. They may not go for walks, ride bikes, or leave the yard. Every phone call is screened and timed. There is very little that is normal about it, or helpful to youth who would do anything in the world to kbow what "normal was like" This reminded me of the reading on power and privilege. how the people in power continue to take any funds allocated towards this population and how they have no idea how privileged they are to have a family.
Literacy with an Attitude
Finn's piece Literacy with an Attitude left me speechless. It also gave me this sense of being some sort of imprisoned within my own education system. It is tough to read a piece that so strongly argues that you like a chess pawn have been played within your education system throughout life to ultimately lose. Finn's argument is so convincible, his facts and examples proving his point we are set in a literacy path path from the more privileged to seek compliance not justice. Based on your class you were either taught critical thinking, rich literature filled with roles of leadership and skills to rise above or rules, compliance and functional literature. I can't help but feel like I was tricked and honestly this piece makes the power and privilege piece look like a cupcake.
There was a few points that stood out to me that id like to speak on
"Students also valued educational achievement without valuing the knowledge it brought"
This really stands out to me and is something I have thought about before. We live in a world were absolutely everything we could ever want to know about 6absolutely anything is just a click away... but how often do we take advantage of that? Is it that we are not encouraged to? Should we have to be? We could not be any more blessed when it comes to seeking knowledge and yet we don't. This is completing to me why do you think this is?
On the infant language piece I personally couldn't agree more I do believe that the are connecting a thought a want or need with a sound and it is important to encourage that.
On the stages of literacy this really stood out to me because in my student tutoring my third grade students are all grouped and segregated according to their STARR testing reading levels. It is based on this scored "Ability" that they are then taught in groups three times a week for an hour. The way I read that was if you tested low you were tought pass poor literacy and restricted from literacy that was actually worth something. I you were lucky enough to I don't know lets say fed that day, slept that night, clothed properly and scored high enough you would be privileged to read a literacy that was rich. When my teacher gets her high scoring students for her hour she beams. She looked at me and said "look at how well these students do compared to the other students these kids excel and are learning things my other students can't understand for the life of them".
I really loved his emphasis on the equality of literacy and dialogue. I always do a section in my career planning curriculum that puts emphasis on language skills. I allow my students to play with strong language in resume adlibs. It allows them to visually see the massive difference strong language can make and then I continue with how people are often judged on their intelligence based on their language. I also loved how Finn used photos/artwork to bring his powerful message alive.
There was a few points that stood out to me that id like to speak on
"Students also valued educational achievement without valuing the knowledge it brought"
This really stands out to me and is something I have thought about before. We live in a world were absolutely everything we could ever want to know about 6absolutely anything is just a click away... but how often do we take advantage of that? Is it that we are not encouraged to? Should we have to be? We could not be any more blessed when it comes to seeking knowledge and yet we don't. This is completing to me why do you think this is?
On the infant language piece I personally couldn't agree more I do believe that the are connecting a thought a want or need with a sound and it is important to encourage that.
On the stages of literacy this really stood out to me because in my student tutoring my third grade students are all grouped and segregated according to their STARR testing reading levels. It is based on this scored "Ability" that they are then taught in groups three times a week for an hour. The way I read that was if you tested low you were tought pass poor literacy and restricted from literacy that was actually worth something. I you were lucky enough to I don't know lets say fed that day, slept that night, clothed properly and scored high enough you would be privileged to read a literacy that was rich. When my teacher gets her high scoring students for her hour she beams. She looked at me and said "look at how well these students do compared to the other students these kids excel and are learning things my other students can't understand for the life of them".
I really loved his emphasis on the equality of literacy and dialogue. I always do a section in my career planning curriculum that puts emphasis on language skills. I allow my students to play with strong language in resume adlibs. It allows them to visually see the massive difference strong language can make and then I continue with how people are often judged on their intelligence based on their language. I also loved how Finn used photos/artwork to bring his powerful message alive.
Becoming Something Diffrent
I have to admit I was rooting for Esme to enter AP classes as I read this piece. When I reached page 20 and realized her ability was most definitely squandered by an encouraging education system I was less than impressed. I can completely understand her position of not pushing herself because yes it does feel good to EASILY pass everything she clearly had more potential that was passed by like water under the bridge. It is a shame. I understand the emphasis on the over representation of language barrier in the special education classes and it almost seems like common sense to see how this could happen regardless of whether it is wrong or right. Now if Esme had began her education in a primarily Spanish speaking school what do you think the outcome would have been? And although being bilingual may have caused her difficulty in her earlier years do you not agree that in her later years it will only serve as beneficial? I do believe learning English is crucial however I also believe that knowing Spanish should be looked at as more of a gift than not being bilingual is a great skill to have and will only serve her beneficially in the long run I really wish that we had looked at it as more of a gift than hinder. I also would like to talk about the relationships part. I really feel that this piece does a great job highlighting the importance of healthy relationships. Peers and family have great influence over ones potential. I strongly believe that if Esme had somehow got mixed up with a less achieving peer circle or had a less supportive family things would have turned out much differently for her. Her family values had served her well and encouraged her. I really wish that her family was more understanding though and let Esme finish her last year of school towards graduation because she was doing well and transitioning into a new school in another country may be overwhelming to her but it was made clear relatively early n the piece that her father never saw this country as home. Although how welcome do we really make anyone not in S>W>A>M>P feel?
Sunday, November 2, 2014
The Other Three R's
I have to admit to feeling a little disappointed after an hour and fourteen minutes I feel like i didn't learn anything. I heard three people who very informatively complain. It does not take some fancy degree or to be the chair of whatever to know our schools are still pretty well segregated. It almost seems like common sense as to why all our great teachers would flock to the more privileged schools, we have in a beginner Foundations of Ed class gone over the inequalities in education. We have addressed many of the issues with the high stakes testing and how Americas educational system is not culturally friendly. We have in many of our readings talked about the gap and deficit in education among our non white peers. I felt like i watched this long video and all it did was reiterate all the things we have already covered. I sat in bed with a paper and a pen waiting for that ahaa moment where one of them said something that really stood out but i didn't feel like it ever came. They did a fantastic job pointing out all the faults in out educational system though i will give them credit for that but this isn't what i think of as beneficial. If they had added more solutions, more what to do right now with what we have, I feel like that i would have gained more. I personally am not a fan of pointing out all the wrong without having a solution, a plan, or at the very least an idea for a better way. I don't mean to say the whole video was a complete waste i mean yes maybe a good magnet school could help integrate families, I would have thought good charter schools would do this to and was surprised to hear that's not the case. I just felt like the better half was alot of finger pointing. Lets be innovators instead!! Lets be innovators instead!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Maybe it's me but this article did not take me by surprise in even the slightest way. It almost bored me because like don't we all know this already? I mean don't we hear about this everywhere i must see 200 flipping diet ads a day between internet ads, radio ads, and magazines. Have you looked at the people on fox news they look like freakin barbies. We talk about the class diffrentials in schools, movies, the news, the law ect. We talk about how the media and cultural push has tried to make us feel that "Gay" people were "sick" and needed help and medication. Im not ignorant im aware it's called Heteronomy thinking, It's called the ruling of Religion. Take a philosophy class. It's called pre judgement that you may not even be aware you have. Cartoons are just a 1 millionth of the influences that push a certain agenda, im not ignorant but i also refuse to be cynical i choose a life of being aware but not being submerged. I didn't even have cable in my house for the last six years and i only have it now because it was part of the Verizon bundle but it never goes on. we don't watch the news in our house, we don't go to church, we read books about facts that help us learn about the world. I love people for a living, i always put my heart into everything i do, I work with every orientation and every ethnicity, people with all illnesses and i love them all. I try to rarely wear make up and remember im beautiful the way i am i tell my girls the same daily. I let them dress themselves as long as its reasonable and we don't shop at the F@#%^#%^# stores that are selling short shorts to 7 year olds. We go to Savers and we have fun buying different pieces and making our own outfits.
It's great because theres no size negative 8 plastic models modeling absolutely impractical clothes. My daughter wont wear a dress without shorts under it because she wants to be able to go on the monkey bars...good for her. I don't know maybe it's me i just didnt think any of what i just read was a secret i kind of felt like "well ya no s#$#". Just don't let it turn you cynical, there's plenty of beauty in life too focusing on this stuff will drive you crazy,
i thought this was perfect
My lover's got humour
She's the giggle at a funeral
Knows everybody's disapproval
I should've worshiped her sooner
If the heavens ever did speak
She's the last true mouthpiece
Every Sunday's getting more bleak
A fresh poison each week
'We were born sick,' you heard them say it
My Church offers no absolutes.
She tells me, 'Worship in the bedroom.'
The only heaven I'll be sent to
Is when I'm alone with you—
I was born sick,
But I love it
Command me to be well
Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[Chorus 2x:]
Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life
If I'm a pagan of the good times
My lover's the sunlight
To keep the Goddess on my side
She demands a sacrifice
Drain the whole sea
Get something shiny
Something meaty for the main course
That's a fine looking high horse
What you got in the stable?
We've a lot of starving faithful
That looks tasty
That looks plenty
This is hungry work
[Chorus 2x:]
Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife
Offer me my deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life
No Masters or Kings
When the Ritual begins
There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin
In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene
Only then I am Human
Only then I am Clean
Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[Chorus 2x:]
Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life
My lover's got humour
She's the giggle at a funeral
Knows everybody's disapproval
I should've worshiped her sooner
If the heavens ever did speak
She's the last true mouthpiece
Every Sunday's getting more bleak
A fresh poison each week
'We were born sick,' you heard them say it
My Church offers no absolutes.
She tells me, 'Worship in the bedroom.'
The only heaven I'll be sent to
Is when I'm alone with you—
I was born sick,
But I love it
Command me to be well
Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[Chorus 2x:]
Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life
If I'm a pagan of the good times
My lover's the sunlight
To keep the Goddess on my side
She demands a sacrifice
Drain the whole sea
Get something shiny
Something meaty for the main course
That's a fine looking high horse
What you got in the stable?
We've a lot of starving faithful
That looks tasty
That looks plenty
This is hungry work
[Chorus 2x:]
Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife
Offer me my deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life
No Masters or Kings
When the Ritual begins
There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin
In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene
Only then I am Human
Only then I am Clean
Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[Chorus 2x:]
Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life
Sunday, October 12, 2014
It Goes Without Saying....LGBT Reflection
This weeks reading "Speaking the Unspeakable" reminded me a lot of S.C.W.A.M.P. The privilege we have without even realizing it, the way we favor one identity more than the other. Why we feel the need to hide the fact that Love is Love is beyond me. It reminded me of my privilege as a heterosexual and how I never have to be concerned about being judged on my orientation. How I can talk about my partner freely without discrimination and how as I look into the future at our wedding I know I wont face scrutiny. These are things people who have different sexual orientations cannot say. It reminded me of the meeting we had at work the other day that lead to this post by my boss...
#NationalComingOutDay! Hopefully one day there'll be no need for this & we'll all just realise #LoveIsLove
— feeling pride at RI Council of Resource Providers for Children, Youth & Families (RICORP).
— feeling pride at RI Council of Resource Providers for Children, Youth & Families (RICORP).
Friday, October 3, 2014
Meier, "Why Can't She Remember That?" Arguement
Although i am not a huge fan of just rewriting what was already written i feel strongly about what the Author has written and want to agree with her. Meir argues about how important it is to read to young children. She argue that even more important not how many books you read but what books you read. Children will be much more engaged and interested when the content of the book is relate-able to them.She talks about reading to her audience and bringing the books alive. She gives examples of how a classrooms favorite book can extend into all activities. I loved this article and i couldn't agree more. I think that it is very important to read books that are in the children's interest, I mean would you want to pay attention and read a book you were not interested in? I've always felt that reading to children was one of the most valuable activities in the world. Through literature your child can learn anything, there is no limit. Through literature your child's social and academic skills can flourish. It can help them spark an interest and find what they are most passionate about.
reading is foundamental<<<<open this link
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Delpit Argument
I found Delpit hard to read and hard to understand. What i did get out of it and correct me if im wrong, was a very narrow minded point of view. What i read and very simply stated was that Delpit feels that our white teachers are not culturally sensitive to colored culture and that we are not sensitive to their language either. I was actually offended when the author depicted black language with a southern accent, i'm sorry but really? I have never heard of a colored person in Rhode Island speak in such a way. I understood clearly the relevance in the tiny village in Alaska those people are for the most part secluded and have developed their own common language makes sense. To say, however, that in all of America we should teach in two different languages one with a southern accent apparently is just nonsense. I am pretty confident in saying that very few Americans speak fluent and correct formal English. English is one of the most difficult languages to learn, and its variations depend I believe more on where in the country or what country you live. Americans living in the southern part tend to have a more what we call southern accent that is not based on color. Northerners well we have are own twist on the language and have our own fun words like "Wicked" and "Bubbler". I also disagree with her way of using the teacher and Joeys conversation as if white people were the only people to make a language. colored people have created and abundance of complex intelligent languages and i wouldn't attempt to change them i wouldn't learn them and then accuse them of not being culturally sensitive if i didn't learn them correctly. If you wanted to be even broader than just America how about the 6,500 other spoken languages around the world, do we alter all of them based on color do we say there should be a black Japanese? How far do you go with that argument?
On the way to adress your students I agree with Delpit that the way you instruct can be confusing to children depending on rules with in the home. I however disagree with again what i saw as her being narrow minded; that colored children on learn in a direct way. I think that all children listen and follow instruction diffrently based on how they are talked to within the home i don't think this just applies to colored children. What i do believe is that the best way to handle and correct this is to educate teacher's, and then educate them some more. I think awareness and understanding will allow for teachers to instruct in a way that is best for her audience. I jsut don't agree with these writing's maybe it's me...I see things so much broader than that. If we are learning to be accepting and diverse don't write about how white people don't know how teach colered children because than someone can easily write about how colored teachers don't know how to teach whit kids and honestly what makes one argument better than the other? Write instead an article about how to better educate our teachers on diversity, how to make them more culturally aware. Please comment however you feel because maybe im reading into this wrong and it's just me i honestly am not sure.
I found Delpit hard to read and hard to understand. What i did get out of it and correct me if im wrong, was a very narrow minded point of view. What i read and very simply stated was that Delpit feels that our white teachers are not culturally sensitive to colored culture and that we are not sensitive to their language either. I was actually offended when the author depicted black language with a southern accent, i'm sorry but really? I have never heard of a colored person in Rhode Island speak in such a way. I understood clearly the relevance in the tiny village in Alaska those people are for the most part secluded and have developed their own common language makes sense. To say, however, that in all of America we should teach in two different languages one with a southern accent apparently is just nonsense. I am pretty confident in saying that very few Americans speak fluent and correct formal English. English is one of the most difficult languages to learn, and its variations depend I believe more on where in the country or what country you live. Americans living in the southern part tend to have a more what we call southern accent that is not based on color. Northerners well we have are own twist on the language and have our own fun words like "Wicked" and "Bubbler". I also disagree with her way of using the teacher and Joeys conversation as if white people were the only people to make a language. colored people have created and abundance of complex intelligent languages and i wouldn't attempt to change them i wouldn't learn them and then accuse them of not being culturally sensitive if i didn't learn them correctly. If you wanted to be even broader than just America how about the 6,500 other spoken languages around the world, do we alter all of them based on color do we say there should be a black Japanese? How far do you go with that argument?
On the way to adress your students I agree with Delpit that the way you instruct can be confusing to children depending on rules with in the home. I however disagree with again what i saw as her being narrow minded; that colored children on learn in a direct way. I think that all children listen and follow instruction diffrently based on how they are talked to within the home i don't think this just applies to colored children. What i do believe is that the best way to handle and correct this is to educate teacher's, and then educate them some more. I think awareness and understanding will allow for teachers to instruct in a way that is best for her audience. I jsut don't agree with these writing's maybe it's me...I see things so much broader than that. If we are learning to be accepting and diverse don't write about how white people don't know how teach colered children because than someone can easily write about how colored teachers don't know how to teach whit kids and honestly what makes one argument better than the other? Write instead an article about how to better educate our teachers on diversity, how to make them more culturally aware. Please comment however you feel because maybe im reading into this wrong and it's just me i honestly am not sure.
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