Saturday, November 15, 2014

Becoming Something Diffrent

I have to admit I was rooting for Esme to enter AP classes as I read this piece. When I reached page 20 and realized her ability was most definitely squandered by an encouraging education system I was less than impressed. I can completely understand her position of not pushing herself because yes it does feel good to EASILY pass everything she clearly had more potential that was passed by like water under the bridge. It is a shame. I understand the emphasis on the over representation of language barrier in the special education classes and it almost seems like common sense to see how this could happen regardless of whether it is wrong or right. Now if Esme had began her education in a primarily Spanish speaking school what do you think the outcome would have been? And although being bilingual may have caused her difficulty in her earlier years do you not agree that in her later years it will only serve as beneficial? I do believe learning English is crucial however I also believe that knowing Spanish should be looked at as more of a gift than not being bilingual is a great skill to have and will only serve her beneficially in the  long run I really wish that we had looked at it as more of a gift than  hinder. I also  would like to talk about the relationships part. I really feel that this piece does a great job highlighting the importance of healthy relationships. Peers and family have great influence over ones potential. I strongly believe  that if Esme had somehow got mixed up with a less achieving peer circle or had a less supportive family things would have turned out much differently for her. Her family values had served her well and encouraged her. I really wish that her family was more understanding though and let Esme finish her last year of school towards graduation because she was doing well and transitioning into a new school in another country may be overwhelming to her but it was made clear relatively early n the piece that her father never saw this country as home. Although how welcome do we really make anyone not in S>W>A>M>P feel?

1 comment:

  1. I think that it is important to realize what you said, about how the results would have been different if Esme started in a Spanish speaking school. This is so important to realize, because as you said, there are so many english language learners in special education classrooms who do not need to be there.
