Friday, October 3, 2014

Meier, "Why Can't She Remember That?" Arguement

Roald Dahl

Winnie the PoohTo kill a mockingbird
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.If you know what a rumbus is ..You can share these with your child as early as two.I did with my son"If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales." - Einstein

Although i am not a huge fan of just rewriting what was already written i feel strongly about what the Author has written and want to agree with her. Meir argues about how important it is to read to young children. She argue that even more important not how many books you read but what books you read. Children will be much more engaged and interested when the content of the book is relate-able to them.She talks about reading to her audience and bringing the books alive. She gives examples of how a classrooms favorite book can extend into all activities. I loved this article and i couldn't agree more. I think that it is very important to read books that are in the children's interest, I mean would you want to pay attention and read a book you were not interested in?  I've always felt that reading to children was one of the most valuable activities in the world. Through literature your child can learn anything, there is no limit. Through literature your child's social and academic skills can flourish. It can help them spark an interest and find what they are most passionate about.
reading is foundamental<<<<open this link


  1. I completely agree, reading to children is extremely important to their development. As they grow older listening to these stories, their imagination grows, they learn the lessons involved in the stories, and about the relationships that can be built. But they will not learn these things if it is a book they do not like or can not relate to. Even as an adult, I learn the most from books that I feel a connection to, so I wouldn't expect anything different from a young child. I also think that reading to our children is important because it puts value into the activity. Kids will see their parents, grandparents, or any important adult in their life reading and get excited to be able to read on their own. They will see it as a skill that their loved ones have, and that they need to obtain. Being a skill that we use every single day, showing children the importance of it is crucial, and being able to do so while they are having fun and being engaged makes it all the better.

  2. really really enjoyed your pictures, kidnof worked as a preview to your post

  3. The message in some stories can truly be seen throughout many aspects of the classroom and are great tools for educators when dealing with certain situations or issues that are brought up within the classroom. Having children interested in reading and connecting to books is another big issue that can make or break a child's love for reading, so it is important to foster their interests and make connections as much as possible! I also loved the variety of pictures you had from great authors and books that I personally loved as a child.

  4. The picture really portraits to what the story is about. Reading really helps children develop their own interests in things and at the same time make their imaginations come to life.

  5. I agree with you (and the article) that reading to a child a book in their own interest is so important for growth and development, life lessons, and building of character. I love all the quotes you posted too:)
